Giveth Connect Working Group

Tasks Giveth Connect Group


  1. Updates from last Friday (July 29) meeting:
    1. Only Nikola, Rainer and Cotabe can make it, Oki a little later
    2. No majority of the group to make any decision
    3. There wasn’t enough push and direction to understand how to move forward before Rainer comes back
    4. Another meeting on August 11, 2022 after the community call. if you want to support Connect WG activities please join
    5. Overlap between Communitas WG and some fo the Connect WG maybe it makes sense to merge? different way to approach. Mostly the same people
    6. No answer more questions. Keep the diglogue.
  2. Project Nomination follow ups: Migrating to CRM (Jake to migrate top projects with vote to CRM)
  3. Some transitions from Melody
    1. Outreach: WFFA and Streetfootball/Gossip Rainer
    2. Project categorization revamp (Mosaeed/Claire)
    3. Continued project sign up recommendations: Claire/Rainer
    4. CRM: Jake
    5. Donor exploration: survey/interview: Jake
      1. 40 responses so far
      2. Will be on the Newsletter, community, partner organizations (good response rate to post tweet)


  1. Check-in question: What do you do to relax?
  2. Connect WG refocus general discussion (notes see doc)
    1. Keep the Connect group name
    2. Team formation call: Claire, Cotabe, Oki, Nikola, Jake, Rainer, Ahmad, Ashley, Cori
    3. Community/Connect call? let’s test and get feedback shortening/merging call time
  3. Updates
    1. @Amanitas
    2. Fundraising101 happening 17:00 CET this Wednesday afternoon
    3. CRM project- Jake will take over
  4. New businesses
  5. Gitcoin projects reach-out


  1. Check-in: Rose (something positive), Bud (something inspiring), and Thorn (something distracting)
  2. Outreach/Partnership updates
    1. CRM Design Review:
    2. Donor survey update: to inform Jake that the swag shop merchendises increased in prices but we do have limited amount of GLove tokens. The suggestion is to have a limited number of Glove tokens available and award the swags for the first # donors who fill out the survey.
  3. Research and strategy updates
    1. Project ranking
    2. GivForward : rewarding projects, good suggestions and comments so far, will be open for another week
    3. Rethinking components of verification 1) name 2) social impact 3) combine with project update mechanism
  4. Logistic, support and verification updates
    1. Fundraising guide ready to be uploaded
  5. Platform engagement updates
    1. Fundraising 101 session (July 27) - Get the word out this Wednesday and in Announcement? - create an issue for content of the autopilot campaign and Cotabe to create an email and ask others to help editing? Discord sharing, be strategic about the emails. Send emails from specific sender email account to different target groups. Reduce email to spam folder: respond to email first from an internal group
  6. Suggesting Bankless Academy for our web2 users?
    1. Cotabe had some conversation with Bankless DAO at EthBarcelona. How we can take advantage of the Academy program to help educate donors and projects?
      1. add in FAQ, list of resources doc
      3. “how to give through giveth” as a topic or a post on Bankless
      4. Cotabe to discuss with them on cross promotion
