Fraud Protection

Giveth Quadratic Funding rounds are supported and protected thanks to Gitcoin Passport and Cluster Match QF.

Gitcoin Passport

Gitcoin Passport is an identity verification application that enables anyone to collect verifiable credentials that prove your identity and trustworthiness without exposing personally identifying information. You can learn more about Gitcoin Passport in their documentation.

In our QF rounds, donors need a Gitcoin passport above the specified threshold before the round ends in order for any of their in-round donations to count towards the matching. They don’t need to verify their passport right away, but they must do so before the round ends in order for their in-round donations to qualify.

Cluster Match QF

Giveth uses a new quadratic funding mechanism called Connection-Oriented Cluster Match. In short, this version of QF puts donors into clusters based on their donation behavior to better protect against Sybil attacks while more effectively rewarding cooperation across social differences.

To read about cluster match QF in more detail, check out our forum post.


Once the round is finished, the fraud analysis is complete, the final matching funds will be distributed to the project's recipient addresses. It may take at least 2-3 weeks for the data to be reviewed before matching funds are sent out.

After payout, the actual matching amount sent to each project post-round will be shown on the project’s Donations tab, under the corresponding round filter

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Support Public Goods with Glo Dollar!

GIV-Earth Round projects will receive their matching funds in USDGLO – a fiat-backed stablecoin that funds public goods.

Project owners, you can create an even bigger impact on the environment by choosing “Climate Action” as the cause your Glo Dollar supports!

Learn how to choose support Climate Action with your USDGLO

Support Climate Action through GloDollar 🌿