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Create a project in Giveth’s test page: 🚀
First connect your crypto wallet followed by setting up a profile on Giveth. Note that you can donate without a profile but you cannot receive funds without a profile.
To set up a Giveth profile, you’ll share a first name, last name and email address, with other information being optional. You’ll want to read the Covenant and Terms of Use before inputting your project information to make sure no Giveth policies are violated.
You’ll be able to choose a location for your project if you have one, pictures or other media to represent it as well as keywords to help your project be identifiable to donors’ filters.
Finally, you’ll add your project’s wallet address, which will default to your profile’s wallet address unless you change it. Note that one project can have multiple wallet addresses, but multiple projects cannot have the same address.
You can browse projects through different categories and sort them by GIVpower rank or other options.
Once you found a project you would like to donate to, hit the DONATE