Round start date: June 25, 2024

Matching pool size: 40,000 USDGLO on Celo

Round location:

Matching Funds Network: Celo

Eligible donation Networks: All Giveth-supported networks!

Donation Eligibility:

In order for a donation made during the QF round to qualify for matching it must meet the following eligibility requirements:

<aside> <img src="/icons/exclamation-mark-double_gray.svg" alt="/icons/exclamation-mark-double_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Review our disqualifying factors to ensure your donations aren't reduced or your eligibility for matching funds isn't compromised.


Cluster Match QF

Giveth uses a new quadratic funding mechanism called Connection-Oriented Cluster Match. In short, this version of QF puts donors into clusters based on their donation behavior to better protect against Sybil attacks while more effectively rewarding cooperation across social differences.

To read about cluster match QF in more detail, check out our forum post.


Once the round is finished and the Sybil analysis is complete, the final matching funds will be distributed from our donation.eth multisig account and sent to the projects’ recipient addresses on Celo. The actual matching amount sent to each project post-round will be shown on the projects Donations tab, under the corresponding round filter.

<aside> <img src="/icons/error_gray.svg" alt="/icons/error_gray.svg" width="40px" /> It will take at least 2-4 weeks for the data to be reviewed before matching funds are sent out.


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