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You can activate or renew your annual membership by donating a minimum of 1 DAI (or any equivalent token) to the Trusted Seed project on Giveth following these steps:

Activating/Renewing Your Membership on (Step-by-step)

  1. Go to ******

    Donate to Trusted Seed

  2. Connect your Metamask with your preferred network.


  1. Please use the ETH address you used for your Trusted Seed membership, once it is successfully connected, set the payment in Cryptocurrency and search for DAI or any equivalent token you prefer.


  1. Donate 1 DAI (or any equivalent token) or more to activate or renew your membership for 12 months.


  1. Click on View on Explorer, copy the link of the transaction and kindly send it to your nearest Gardener 👩🏽‍🌾:

    🌱 Discord: iviangita#3204 / Telegram: iviangita 🌱 Discord: Yineisy Mota#1449 / Telegram: YineisyMota

Thank you for your support!

If you have questions or need assistance, do not hesitate to reach out!

