<aside> <img src="/icons/thought_gray.svg" alt="/icons/thought_gray.svg" width="40px" /> How can you make your project stand out? We’ll share some tips & tricks that project owners can use to attract more donors & engage a community.




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Before we start

Giveth.io is a platform where you can easily support projects, or create a project & receive funding from a global audience to help you achieve your project’s goal. We provide the tools for you to succeed, however Giveth does not do individual marketing or promotional campaigns for projects.

We do organize different actions to help projects stand out & connect w/ the community & donors

<aside> <img src="/icons/exclamation-mark_gray.svg" alt="/icons/exclamation-mark_gray.svg" width="40px" /> We build the bridges and opportunities for you to connect with a broader community & donors, still the 99% rest of the work for your project to succeed depends on you



✅ Add a clear project description explaining who you are and what will you do with the funds ✅ Add photos, videos or legitimate external links to your project. ✅ Post updates about your project to keep in touch w/ your donors!


❌ Expect you will raise funds by only posting your project at Giveth. ❌ Post your project on Giveth & tweet it once. ❌ Don’t tweet the same information over & over again.

Tips & Tricks