<aside> <img src="/icons/light-bulb_gray.svg" alt="/icons/light-bulb_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Welcome to the q/acc Knowledge Hub, your resource for everything related to the Quadratic Acceleration (q/acc) program.

Visit our website: qacc.giveth.io


The q/acc Paper

Season 1 Application



Applications are now closed!

Follow us on X or Farcaster to know when the next season applications open, or fill out our interest form to get notified!

About q/acc

Quadratic Acceleration (q/acc) combines the strengths of Quadratic Funding (QF) with those of  Augmented Bonding Curves (ABC) to create a new mechanism for launching tokens with built-in liquidity, a passive revenue stream and a clear path to community growth.

The Quadratic Accelerator is a collaborative entity under Giveth building the q/acc protocol based on the research of Commons Stack.

The q/acc is designed to:

What do projects get?

<aside> 🔥 50K Grant


You get a 50K grant to tokenize their project via an Augmented Bonding Curve (ABC).

<aside> 🔥 100K matching pool


At the end of the season, you participate in a q/acc round with 100K matching pool used to build token liquidity.

<aside> 🔥 Community


Your community receives tokens for their support of your project.

The q/acc Program

                           Our 10-week, fully remote program divided into two modules.

Module 1

                                                                        (5 weeks)

<aside> <img src="/icons/confetti-party-popper_gray.svg" alt="/icons/confetti-party-popper_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Welcome to the Season!

You meet the q/acc team and fellow founders, and lay the groundwork for the launch of your Augmented Bonding Curve (ABC).


<aside> <img src="/icons/key_gray.svg" alt="/icons/key_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Launch ABCs & Early Access

You launch your ABC and invite individuals to an early access period, granting them access to a private chat and access to acquire tokens.


Module 2

                                                                                 (5 weeks)

<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ff891e0b-a285-4d6e-b9f4-87bde516d521/c0cce25d-e052-4c5e-9d80-9b348647c657/money-saving-business-funding-fee-no-cost-68e20042316bb12b8ca52ecb3a85d4ec_(1).png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ff891e0b-a285-4d6e-b9f4-87bde516d521/c0cce25d-e052-4c5e-9d80-9b348647c657/money-saving-business-funding-fee-no-cost-68e20042316bb12b8ca52ecb3a85d4ec_(1).png" width="40px" /> q/acc Round

The first round of q/acc starts! Your community may support your project by providing signal for quadratic matching, and at the same time acquire tokens for their support.


<aside> <img src="/icons/checkmark_gray.svg" alt="/icons/checkmark_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Season Wrap-up

Quadratic matching calculations are made and matching pool funds are allocated and used for your token’s liquidity pools. You join the q/acc founders group.
