This Resource Directory contains a curated list of helpful resources around communication, relating and conflict resolution. The intention of this page is to support our community individually and collectively in achieving greater knowledge and tools to become more resourced in resolving tensions as they arise before they accelerate to a point of requiring external mediation.

How should we organize this directory? —> Are you feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities?

Guide the purpose/utility for newcomers checking out this page... Maybe offering questions instead of philosophy titles like ‘How to express clear needs, boundaries & desires’ instead of ‘Nonviolent communication’

Why does this matter? Intro to importance of healthy communication & relating & personal responsibility.

Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenberg

Learn Nonviolent Communication

Key Facts About NVC

4-Part NVC Process

Feelings & Needs Lists

Liberating Structures

Purpose & Structure Matching


What are tensions?

Introducing the ideas of sociocracy, holacracy, other non hierarchical social structures.