The purpose of this simple guide is to show you how to verify your Gitcoin Passport for Giveth Quadratic Funding rounds. Remember you need to verify your passport before the round ends in order to get your donations matched.

<aside> 💡 For crypto beginners: Check out Gitcoin’s handy guide for tips on how to increase your score with limited on-chain activity.


  1. Go to & sign into your Giveth account using the wallet you will use to donate.

Captura de pantalla 2023-10-16 a la(s) 13.58.00.png

  1. Then click Go to Passport

Captura de pantalla 2023-10-16 a la(s) 14.20.33.png

  1. Sign-in to your Passport using your the wallet you will use to donate.

Captura de pantalla 2023-10-16 a la(s) 14.28.37.png

  1. You can use the One-Click Verification to automatically verify your Stamps.

Captura de pantalla 2023-10-16 a la(s) 14.37.52.png

  1. Or you can Connect & verify each stamp individually.

Captura de pantalla 2023-10-16 a la(s) 14.00.42.png

  1. You need to get a minimum score of 5 on in order for your donations in Giveth Quadratic Funding to be eligible for matching.