Giveth’s governance and decision-making processes benefit from utilizing several platforms to aggregate and foster advice, consensus, signaling, and voting. Being part of the community has no requirements. If you know about Giveth and want to get engaged then we welcome you openly with our highest of vibes. Anyone in the community can create a proposal as long as it follows our outlined governance process. Once a proposal has been created, you can use your GIV tokens to signal your opinion and affect the outcome of the proposal.

Here are a few ways you can do this:

🌻 GIVgarden

The GIVgarden is where GIV holders can make and vote on proposals to fund value-aligned initiatives that shape the Future of Giving. GIV holders can signal their support on different funding proposals through a method called Conviction Voting.


Conviction Voting works by simply using your tokens to signal your support for a given proposal. The GIV tokens you deposit into the GIVfarm as well as GIV tokens that you “wrap” in the Garden are actually the same thing, both will net your gGIV at a 1:1 ratio (1 GIV deposited/staked = 1gGIV). gGIV is what you use to vote in the Gardens.

You can cast proposals here to fund community initiatives, and the community can support you by staking gGIV behind your proposal. The interesting thing about Conviction Voting is that the longer gGIV remains staked the more “voting power” it has. Once a proposal passes a certain threshold of “Conviction” then it is passed and can be executed, releasing the funds to the beneficiary.

Fun Fact: The GIVgarden is set to receive 33% of all GIV ( that’s 330 million GIV!), over the course of the GIVstream.

You can find a deeper explanation of how conviction voting works in this article.


We have made a video to show you all of the features of the GIVgarden:

🪙 Tokenlog Voting